Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Halloween, Weddings, First Food, Crawling, & Other Good Stuff

A lot has gone on in the last few weeks since I've written last, hence the title.

To start off, we had Halloween. The Mini was Men In Black, very cute, and the Little was a pirate princess.

Dad, Little, & Mini

Sibling Love!

Right after Halloween, We had a WEDDING! Yes, we've done stuff backwards, and the stuff you start with first we thought, "Eh, we'll just do it later..." so later has come and we are finishing up all the major life events. Here's a couple photos from the day:

She didn't feel like smiling today, He loves her anyway!

Shortly after the wedding, Little got to taste some cereal for the first time. She's been doing great with it and doesn't seem to have any bad reaction to it. She's now eating twice a day and I'm contemplating adding in breakfast to the mix.

She also began crawling this month too. The videos are of an army crawlish type thing, but now she's becoming more efficient in her movement around the house. We've already had a few bumped heads, luckily we haven't eaten anything off the floor yet tho!

In the first video - Little gets closer to the toy, is so close, then gets frustrated...a little encouragement and she's triumphant, also in the beginning her little butt goes way up in the air and mommy starts laughing.

In the second video - mean ol' mommy moves the turtle AWAY from her as she's crawling...hehe, and watch out at the end!

The mini is looking forward to the week off, although after the first day he'll be going stir crazy for sure! He has had a short schedule this week and already is walking around "bored" after a few hours of being home, so we'll have to find some stuff to do this coming week.

He also just finished up soccer for the season. He played Goalie part of the time and really got good at it this year. Dad was coaching and the team did really well! I think they came in second in the second half of the season, pretty cool.

And finally, I have a little girl in the daycare now, so Little and I have learned a new schedule and I've learned how to juggle 3 kiddos now. I love having her here though as I really missed working with children, and she's so fun to watch play and LOVES art, and it's just fun to have another kid around to enjoy.

Oh and finally finally, I am finished with my thesis...that's right ladies and gentlemen, I HAVE FINISHED! AMAZING RIGHT!?!?!?! An amazing feeling, can't believe I made it. MY thesis advisor was AMAZING and is a main reason why I was able to finish, she was such a support!

That's all for now folks!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Moment With The Mini

A conversations between Mini and I:
October 30, 2013

Me: "So are you excited for tomorrow? To dress up and stuff (Halloween)?"

Mini: "Yea I'm excited but not as excited as am I am for Saturday." 

Me: "Oh yea, why is that?"

Mini: "Well I'm excited for Halloween, but I think that Saturday, the wedding is more important than Halloween is."

Me: "..."

Well honestly I can't remember what I said, but I know I smiled and said something to the effect of I'm excited too, or I'm glad you're excited...but the kid had me darn near speechless! 

How awesome is that!? This kiddo is more excited for the wedding than a "holiday" that's all about awesome is that! 

Thank you Mini for warming my heart and making me smile. 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Little's Movies

Here are some movies of the Little from October.

In this first one she's feeling especially friendly, enjoy!

More words of wisdom from Little Miss.

Finally, a pretty cool one where she's mimicking/playing with Momma. She was smacking her lips so I did the same and then she did it back. Suuuuper cute! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Enjoying Some Good Books

I love that Mini reads everyday for homework. It has gone from there to him reading for over an hour a night in his bed, his choice, which makes it even that much more awesome! I love to walk by his room and peek in and see him thumbing through a book. So awesome!!!

Tonight I was reading to the Little while Mini was in the bath. He came in and started helping me read to her :) Right now I have the Halloween books out, and brought out some CD's for the books on tape. Instead of watching TV he chose to read a book on CD to his sister...quite cool. Here they are reading. 

The Great Monster Hunt! 
The Spooky Wheels on the Bus! 

I try to read to the Little, but sometimes we go for quite a while without, but I've been trying hard to do it on a more consistent basis. When I get lazy, I just set up the books around her...parent of the year award!

Which One to Choose?
This is a Good One! 

These were some good Dollar Store finds! Score! I hope both the Mini and the Little learn to love reading : )

Sunday, October 13, 2013

If You Only Knew

People can be so rude, so mean, so angry. We are all so self centered that we seem to forget there are others around us, others that have things going on in their lives. How is it that we can be so mean to one another, a perfect stranger at times, or not a stranger usually, what gives us that right?

I was at the store today, purchasing some needed items, and someone was just rude. Who asked you? Why are you butting into my life? Your comment hurt me, but you don't know that, because I brushed it off, you don't know because I smiled like everything was okay. But you did, it was rude, and it was unnecessary.

If only you knew, if only you knew what was going on in my life, if only you understood how I'm struggling to get by, if only you knew how I felt everyday, if only you knew what my life consisted of, if only you knew, but you don't. It's okay because most people don't, we assume what we see is what we get.

Although hurt, I am not angry, I know that you too must have a lot going on in your life. I don't know you, I can't possibly understand your motivations for giving completely unasked for critical advice, yet I don't harbor any resentment because I'm sure your life isn't easier one's really is. So I forgive you, as I do most people because...well I don't really know why, I just do.

Life is full of struggles, even the people that seem to have it all together have their problems too. I just wish that there was more kindness, more understanding, and more love in the world.

I hope to teach my children to have compassion for others, to love fully, to forgive even when they were in the right. I want them to see people for the good that they have, not the bad that they exude. I want them to care, to think of other's feelings, and to love. I hope that the things I do now are the right ones, I hope that I show them compassion and love for others, and for them. I hope they see how kindness pay and how yucky it truly does feel to be rude to one another. I hope.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Braggin' Rights!

Gooooooo Mini! 

He had a science test last week, that came with a study guide! So we studied everyday, quizzing him and practicing. I had to WAIT for a whole week to find out what he got! He worked so hard and I knew he knew the material so I was hopeful for him to do really well.

So today was Thursday, and that's the day papers come home. Mini gets in the car and I ask for his folder (which I never do till we get home) because I was dying to see how it went, and...ta da!!! He got 100%!!! OMG I was so happy for him :)

Cheese Mini!!!

He opted to share his 100% with his little sister, we took some picutres but they weren't too cute, but it was nice of him to share. 

Then when we got home I found a Math Test in his homework folder and BAM, another A! So proud of him!!! Goooooo Mini!!! He's really grown up these last few months, it's pretty awesome to watch.

Research Update

We got to go to the lab yesterday and be participants in research, and IT WAS AWESOME! Clearly, it doesn't take much to get me you can see!

Little Miss was quite a delight and was (in my humble opinion) the best little participant EVER! She wore a headband with a camera attached to it that tracked her eye movement in her right eye while she watched images on a screen for a few minutes. She sat in my lap and I held her. My eyes were covered because when infants don't know what they're looking at (they don't' recognize, or it's a new image) they reference to their caregiver, so in order to eliminate that, they cover the parents eyes.

Like her Momma, Little Miss is also easily entertained. As the experiment began, images were on the screen and she was CRACKIN' UP! I'm dying because I'm like, "What is she looking at!?" but of course, I can't see anything. She laughed for like the first minute and then during the rest just watched.

After it was over I got to see the images...what was this little lady cracking up at...well...has to be something hilarious right?! Dots...they were colored dots (easily amused)! They were accompanied with a sound, so I'm going to assume the flash of the dot and the sound is what did it for her. The researchers said, "This is the part that most babies are bored with but she just loved it." Again, easily amused :)

I'm going to cut out some circles and dance around with them...should provide hours of entertainment for the wee one! Oh and don't forget the sounds...beep boop beep!

The Little got a certificate for her participation, and got to pick out a book as a thank you for participating. Hope we get a call back to do more research in the future, this nerdy mom is all over that!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Watch Out, I'll Grab You!

Little Miss began to grab stuff the other day intentionally. I was very excited because just the day before I was telling Nate I was concerned because she wasn't yet doing this (yes I worry about EVERYTHING). But low and behold, the next day I see her in the backseat, grabbing onto her hanging toy from the car seat, oh good, crisis averted!

I'll take that! 

Yes Mom, I Grab Stuff Now, Calm Down :) 

We are participating in Research at the local university for babies tomorrow, I'm so EXCITED, as I'm a nerd and LOVE research. The moment we got the envelope in the mail asking for participants I filled that bad boy out and drove it to the post office! Yea Research! We are also in a study on infant feeding, but that's only self report and not as exciting. Still, YEA, Research :) 

Read On!

The Mini has been working very hard this year at reading, I think he's doing a magnificent job if I do say so myself. His fluency and comprehension have been excelling, and I'm terribly proud of him. Go Mini!

A Comfortable Reading Position!  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Miss Madelin Rolls!

The day Madelin turned 3 months she rolled over. I put her on her mat, turned around and she was on her tummy. She was a stealth roller though, not one to preform for the camera (she tends to be quite when she sees the camera). I tried for a few weeks to catch her in the act, but she didn't roll when I was watching her (I even tried to spy on her with the baby cam, alas no rolley!).

But this week she started rolling like a mad woman, and tada! ROLLER! Here are two videos of her rolling it up. 

And Another
In this one I had to hold her on the mat so I could start the camera before she rolled over! I edited that part out though, but there are like 6 other videos of me trying to catch her and she would roll too quickly to get a shot! 

Finally, for enjoyment, more of Maddie's word's of wisdom.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Say What!?

Miss Madelin sure has a lot to say, here's her and Daddy having a very important conversation the other night.

Along with all the talking, Miss Maddie is also showing off her keen sense of fashion.

She's been grabbing her toes, tonight she finally figured out how to grab both at the same time and then rolls back and fourth, pretty cool to watch <3

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Burrr Baby It's Cold Outside

Mini has been discussing another sibling quite a bit with me (seems our car rides have the richest conversation, at least for Mini and I). He wants to know when we're having another kid, (good Lawd, we just had this one, kid, slow your roll) where he or she will sleep, when we can move so we can have more kids, etc. He is set still on having a brother. I explain to him that he could end up with another girl, so he says we just keep going till that boy comes along.

He isn't too concerned though, because he says he knows how to get a boy. Recently Mini's dog was quite friendly with another. It was explained to him that they do that do it show dominance and to keep warm. So in the car, discussing the million sibling conversation Mini stated,

"I'll just make sure you're hot"
ME: "What?! What are you talking about?"
MINI: "So that you can make a boy, I'll get you lots of blankets so that you're hot, 
then I can have a brother."

Apparently I've been doing this whole thing wrong, I just needed more blankets :) 

Soccer Season Is Here!

Mini is playing soccer again, I want to say this is his 4th year of soccer. He decided early on that he was not a fan of playing goalie (I LOVED know, because you didn't have to run, I'm only running if zombies are chasing me, and even then I'm not sold on the whole idea...). Dad is coaching and they had their first game this season. Here's some action shots of Mini.

Game one was a tie, the boys did great. Here's to the next handful of Saturdays to come. 

Happy Birthday Mini!

The Mini is officially 9 years old! He is growing up so fast! It's such a blessing to be able to watch him grow, he has changed so much from when I first met him. Happy 9th birthday Mini! <3

New Lions Shirt

What's this?

Singing to the Mini. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

We've Disappeared!

Not to worry, we haven't disappeared, we've just be so busy that I forgot about writing, well and didn't have a free second to do so!!!

A lot has taken place since June when Little Miss was born. We are still trying to get into somewhat of a rhythm...every time I do the schedule changes! Grr! Mini is absolutely so in love with his little sister and loves to "play" with her, as much as a two month old can "play!" He somehow plays basketball and soccer with her with her pink ball, it's very sweet. Since school started he has begun to read to her (makes the task less torturous) and I secretly think he really does like reading to her :)

Mini has a very special day today, as he is turning 9 (damn that makes Dad OLD! haha). He seems older to me to. It's funny one day he'll walk in the house and I look at him and think, shit you are older today! What happened?! He got to take cupcakes to school today so I think he's pretty excited about that! We will have cake tonight and presents, yum!

Mini also started school, this kid is BUSY! He started in the end of August. We are in 3rd grade this year and boy do they have to be much more responsible this year than last! He is working on getting to know his teacher and luckily he has some of his friend in class! He's a late reader this year which he says he hates, but I KNOW he doesn't mind sleeping till 8 am!!! I love it too, so good for his brain!!! (Always about that brain development over here!)

ALSO, he's just started soccer in August too so we are on the run with that. His first game is Saturday and we are excited to see what this soccer season has in store. Dad is coaching his team which makes for a busy life for EVERYONE!

The Little has just been hanging around the last few week, working on her tummy time, (she holds her head up for quite a bit now!) enjoying the ceiling fan, (it's her morning friend) and eating like a crazy woman! She's on a "loose" evening schedule, but during the day I still go by her schedule. She's turning 3 months (crap has it been that long!) in a few days and it's been such a joy to watch her grow and develop, she's already gown so much it's frightening. Luckily Mom is still "young" since I only have a 3 month old! hehe

Dad has been busy working on the house, coaching soccer, being on the soccer board, and just work in general. He has also been helping get the house ready for the Daycare that I am starting, which has been more work than any of us had anticipated. We appreciate all that he does for us!

I have been getting stuff done for the daycare, it's almost ready to open which is exciting and nerve wracking (will I get any kids?!) but more exciting than anything else. I have also been working on completing my thesis for my Master's degree, and a million other things, so needless to say I'm quite busy!!!

So there's the 3 month update, I'll work hard to keep it more frequent, and fun with more pictures!


Friday, June 14, 2013

The Little Arrives...Finally!

Well Hello World! The Little Has Arrived!

Welcome to the world! 7 lbs, 7 oz, 20 inches, born Sunday June 9,  2013 at 1:14 in the morning. The moment she came out I burst into tears and was instantly in love. It was an amazing moment and by far the best moment that I’ve been blessed to experience in my life. I kept saying to Nate, “We did it, I did it!”

We went in for our induction on Friday. Silly me, thinking you’d be here in like a day…ha! We went in on Friday at 2 pm (I was scared as hell, but had the kindest nurses to help keep me somewhat sane) and the Little didn’t arrive until Sunday at 1:14 pm…I’m really all about the whole marathon birthing…highly recommended…

The birth its self was actually the easiest part…I’ll regret this thought later I’m sure, but literally she came out and I thought, “Sure, I could TOTALLY do this again!” The worst part was the waiting, we tried a variety of things to induce, and each one took its sweet time to make minimal progress. It was an emotional ride, filled with anticipation and nonsensical self-doubt. I woke up Sunday morning, only to burst into tears with one of our fabulous nurses and just wanted to give up, not from the pain because I wasn’t really in pain much, but from the frustration of “What’s wrong with me/my body, why isn’t this working!?” Finally, they broke my water and whalah, LABOR!

I got the epidural…always get the epidural! I naively said before, “Oh, I want to do natural, that’s the way to go,” (yes this was BEFORE I was pregnant), well what a load of crap that was! Epidural = <3 in my heart forever! I’m already starting my, “I will never…when I’m a parent” list…it’s growing quite long and she’s only been here a few days, how is that possible ;)

She came out and she was perfect!
Already In Love! 
Nathan was the most amazing support person ever! I am so excited that he is the man that I get to raise my children with. He is one of the best fathers that I have ever seen and my Mini and Little are the luckiest children in the world to have him for a father. He and the Little instantly bonded, it was a moment that I will never forget.
She's already got him wrapped around her finger! <3
Big Brother was the first of the family to get to see the Little. He was SO EXCITED. Mini doesn’t usually show excitement, he’s pretty reserved, but the smile on his face and the giggles he let out when he saw her…he was one proud big brother! Ever since we’ve been home he’s been uber concerned about her! During our first outing to the doctor, he used his hands to shield her face from the sun while in the car…again, a lucky Little to have such a great big brother.

So Proud!
We were finally “released” (I imagine that prison releases must feel like this…waiting, clock ticking, dying to escape but having to wait) on Tuesday…again, Marathon Birthing, Friday to Tuesday agggghhh! Nathan literally RAN out of the room he was so done with Kaiser. We decided it was a Kaiser policy to come into your room 10 minutes after you fell asleep, or after the baby fell asleep. They like to poke the baby, wake the baby, test the momma, ask unnecessary questions. There must be cameras in the room and once you fall asleep or stop moving a buzzer goes off to tell someone to come wake you up! Needless to say we were tired! (Despite that, Kaiser did an AMAZING job and I was nothing but pleased with the whole experience).

We have been home now for three days and it’s going really well. This new role as MOMMY is the most amazing. I can’t wait to see what the days ahead bring. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Here Comes The Little

How amazing is it that we finally get to meet you today (or tomorrow, depending on when you finally come on out). Six hours from now I'll be walking into the hospital, preparing to have you, and I am in awe.

Everyone is terribly excited to meet the Little, for a while I had tremendous guilt because I wanted to keep her inside, I wasn't ready to meet her, I was scared, but this morning I woke up with a sense of calm and a twinge of anticipation and instead of crying when I think about today (in fear of course), I find myself smiling and the thought that in what is overall a few short hours I will get to meet my daughter, and what an amazing feeling that is.

Dad and the Mini went on a morning doughnut run (screw you gestational diabetes, I ate my doughnut and it was friggin' fantastic!), and are now off to get coffee to keep Dad up for the occasion. I am spending the last few hours alone, quiet, I am told that once you are here this thing of "quite" that I so enjoy doesn't happen I'm relishing in it right now. I hear the sound of the keys typing and the hum of the fan spinning, I'm peaceful and calm.

I marvel at how many people are really invested in this birth, it's rather amazing. I selfishly think of my own feelings and forget to step aside and take the perspective of others. You have a myriad of grandparents (both biological and chosen) that can not wait for your arrival, they are excited with nerves and anticipation, and what a gift for you that will be as you grow older. Friends, relatives, and family all know you're coming (some know the date, others just know you're scheduled to arrive in the next few weeks) and they are all excited, what a blessing.

Even before you've arrived, we've already begun the betting, your birth is coupled with gambling and alcohol winnings! I hear though the grapevine that it's 10 dollars a half hour to place a bet, and winner is awarded some bottles of alcohol from one of your dad's friends who works at one of the frequented bar (yea Mom's 9 months sober...still never got my t-shirt). We'll tell you this story when you're older, but it's pretty funny and the person behind it always makes me smile, quite the character.

In all my ramblings, the general theme is that your dad, your brother, and I can not wait to meet you, what an incredible day this is going to be.

With love,

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Mini, The Little, and Us

Mini Little Moments is about our family and our children, 
it's a way to share with those who live close and far away. 

The Mini:
Baseball Season - Flying Squirrels Spring 2013

Giant's Baseball Game September 2012
I met the Mini in 2010, and as you can see, the Mini isn't really that mini. He will be 9 in September and is almost as tall as I am...we can even share shoes! He's going into the 3rd grade next year, and baseball is one of his most favorite things right now. Summer 2013 holds in store a new sibling, summer camp, and hopefully a trip to the ocean (to visit my family). He's kind, caring, thoughtful, tries to be funny (we're working on the whole telling a joke thing...ha), and really just a wonderful "Mini" kiddo. A handful of people refer to him as "the Mini," but pretty much I'm the only one that calls him that these days. 

The Little:
The Little December 2012
This is "the Little," or Little Miss, or BonQueQue...depending on the day. She was originally scheduled to arrive June 14, 2013, but we're pushing up the date a week early and count down is now at four days away (yikes!). We're saving her name until she's born (people that do that are SO annoying!), so BonQueQue is the name you'll get if you ask. We're terribly excited for her to arrive, I personally can't wait to see who she looks like, discover her personality, and finally determine if there really is enough hair there to attach a bow to, as the doctors have said.  

"Mom, aka: Toni" & Dad:
The Night It All Began - NYE 2010 :) 
Giant's Game - May 2012
Nathan and I met on New Year's Eve 2010, and he hasn't been able to get rid of me sense! We recently decided to just jump into all major life events and take it all on in just one year. We recently purchased our first home, became engaged, and are having our first Little one this June. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring, loving man in my life to raise our children and grow old with...I <3 him very much!