I want to blog, I think about it quite often, but then it doesn't get past the thinking part. I just find that I have no time! How can I be so busy...who knows, but I am.
So alas, yet another massive update post.
Apparently I haven't posted since November so let's see....
We'll start with Christmas. This was Nathan and my first Christmas as a married couple, and Little's first Christmas. Mini came home Christmas day and we celebrated together. He was way into helping Little open her gifts, and explained the gift he got her (a bear from build a bear) saying, "This is special because it's where I got my bunny from." It was sweet. He makes my heart smile.
"Let's Open This One." |
School started up again in January for the Mini. He is doing FABULOUS! I am so proud of him and how hard he is working. He is really taking pride in his achievements and has become quiet the independent learner. Just yesterday he came home with an A+ on his social studies test. He looked in his folder even before I could to see what he got, he knew he had done well and was excited to see his success. It's going to be so interesting to see what interests he develops and where life takes him. He's such a great kiddo and I'm so blessed that I've been allowed to be a part of his life.
Somewhere around November the Little began crawling an army type crawl, then early January I turned around in her room and she was standing up! What the heck kid!?!? She now officially crawls (on all fours) and STANDS all the time (while holding on). She has been practicing letting go and plopping down, I suspect and 8 month walker as we're only at 7.5 months and she's already creepin' along the furniture! I could watch her play and move all day! I am so thankful that Nathan has allowed me to stay home with her.
Little also eats, EVERYTHING! She has eaten, and likes: avocado, green beans, peas, carrots, apples, bananas, pears, and grapes. I make all her food, it's actually pretty easy, just takes some time. She recently started chompin' on Ritz Crackers, and LOVES them! Now tho, with all those crackers she's 10 times messier than before, but I LOVE IT...mess away my friend! (inset crazy hippy child development lady!!! messes = learning!)
Carrots! (and crackers) |
I have finally changed my name, went to the DMV just today (made an appointment, ALWAYS make an appointment). I did hyphenate because I've been MY name for so long that I just couldn't give it up completely...
For Christmas for Nate, I made something from Pinterests, where I came up with a date a month to do, some are at home and others are out. We are going on our January date tomorrow. I am excited as we don't ever get to be just us anymore. I loved the idea of making time for US, and had fun coming up with the ideas for his gift. Some are super silly, and I hope he doesn't think they are too lame but it's the thought that counts right!
As for the daycare, I am feeling quite discouraged :( I just LOVE being with children and playing and providing experiences for learning, but sadly no takers. In this time in our world people place such a heavy emphasis on academics and it just kills me because our children don't need that at such a young age. But I think that's why I am not getting clients because I won't flash card their 2 year old to death...ugh people read the research!!!
Potential clients ask, "What does a typical day include?" I want to answer in one word..."PLAY!" We play, and then we play, we play some more, and oh yeah, we thrown in some play...crazy right, just playing, bunch of hippies! I could go on for hours..."they're just playing, they aren't learning..." Oh man, if you only knew how it really worked. Play experiences are set up to achieve learning goals...just watch...I've got my own Little experiment going right now...let's see where she is in 5 years after just "playing," I'll be sure to update how she can read, write the alphabet, do simple math and everything else! Annnnd ok, moving on... playing!
Tonight Mini came home from baseball practice (oh we started spring training!) and said, "Do you want to see the moon?" I'm thinking, honestly no not really, but of course I say, "Of course I want to see the moon!" I get up and we go look, he tells me about the moon and the moon that's coming at the end of the month.
Later he asked Little if she wants to see it:
"Little, want to see the moon?" Here, can you open the door?"
"Look, what do you think that is? What is that?"
"It's the moon, can you say moon?" What do you think that is?" Can you say it?"
to me: "I don't think she's going to say anything"
Me: *laughing out loud, "No Mini, I don't think she's going to say anything, but I bet she appreciates you telling her about the moon."
Until next time...