I think about the blog, I like the idea of the blog, but then I just can't seem to make time for the blog. And now, it is June (OK, a day away from June), and our small world has changed quite a bit. The baby is going to be one, Mini is out of school and on his way to double digits, and I'm still as crazy as ever, ok so some things do stay constant ;)
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Little and Momma, Aquarium Spring Break 2014 |
The Mini is out of school in three school days. We are looking forward to a summer of swimming, hiking, and other outdoor stuff. Tonight was his last baseball game of the season, he loves baseball but I am looking forward to being able to spend some Saturdays together, and the huge amount of pressure lifted from him for a bit. He finished his school year strong, and has just grown so much academically this year and I'm so proud of him. We are going to make an ocean trip this summer (shhhh it's a secret, Pismo here we come) and I think he'll think that's pretty cool. I'm really just looking forward to him having time off, and not so much pressure on him with school and sports.
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Mini in a tree, quick hike after school in May, 2014
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Mini Pitching, May 2014 |
And for your viewing pleasure...some climbing pictures...on, again, everything...missing from here, the latest, climbed on a water table (in the daycare room), against the window, and flicked the light switch while squealing in delight...oh my.
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May 2014 |
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Late April 2014 |
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Late April 2014 |
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Early April 2014 |
Nate is still working like crazy. They changed his schedule and it's a little hard for me to get use to, so yeah I don't like it. Selfishly I just want him home so the kids can be with him in the evening, and late nights make that difficult, and me grumpy! He helped coach Mini's season this year for baseball...he was WAY too stressed for 9 year old baseball...I'm surprised he's still with us. We've been able to go out a few nights when The Little is sleeping and that's been nice. He still likes me, like really really likes me, so that's pretty fantastic too! Go us! :D
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Mini and Dad at Pony Ball Night May 2014 |
As for me, still doing daycare, I had 3 families, but with Summer coming up, I'll now only have two. I enjoy both of my families and am thankful that I get to spend time with them each day. The Little loves the kiddos so that's fun to watch too. Unfortunately I've been having some really bad headaches almost on a daily basis and that's been kind of a bummer. I never quite know how bad they will be, if the medicine will stop them or if they'll go into a full blown migraine. Needless to say it's a rather helpless feeling and I'm praying that my doctor visit in a few weeks will shed some light on what's going on and ways to alleviate the pain. Oh I've also started walking with this really wonderful girl who lives down the street...although I'm pretty sure she's trying to kill me ;) She's really into fitness so she's super good for me but omg some days after our workouts I'm drenched in sweat and she's hopping along :D She makes me smile and is a good Mommy friends (her son is a bit younger than Little) so it's nice to have someone to relate to. I think other than that, that's what's going on. Baby, house, daycare, walking, spinning dizzy headaches, yup that about covers it.
Life is good, I was walking the girls the other day and thinking about how lucky I truly am. I struggle with things like jealousy for possessions, and have moments of "well I'd sure like to be able to..." but I quickly try to pull out of them and focus on what we do have. I mean how wonderful that I have a husband that allows me to stay home with our children, who thinks that my staying home IS a valuable asset to our children. How amazing is it that we own our house, we OWN it (ok like 5,000 years from now we'll OWN it but you know) and God provides what we need. We have everything that we NEED and are even provided extras and how could you not be thankful for that!
I'm a mom that gets to be at the park on a Tuesday at 10:30 in the morning, I get to go to baby library time, I can take Mini hiking in the middle of the day in the middle of the week, I have time, TIME for my children and to me that is such a gift. I miss working, I MISS MY PAYCHECK, but I know that this is the right choice for my children, and really for me too. There are days where I'm like screw this, I'm going to get a job I need break from these monkies, but then the day ends, a new one starts, a smile, a hug, and we press on, doing the best we can with what we got.
When in a rut, take time, focus on what you've got, smile, and press on.
Until next time.