Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Hiking We Will...Oh No Watch Out For Nature!

The title is mainly due to this picture:

Beware of Nature, mountain lions, rattle snakes, ticks, poison oak, danger danger. Oh em Geee we're not going to get out alive, not to mention getting lost. (ok, really not a huge concern, but gees Louise!) Plus all the signs that warn you "Don't leave valuables in your car, lock your car, danger, danger!" Seriously, who would have thought hiking would be so hazardous...luckily, this Momma likes to live on the edge, watch out...sometimes I even stay up past 10 pm...what?!

Oh other note, the "play ground" (wood logs) clearly has a sign that says, "Check for Rattle Snakes...bahahah."

It was nice though, there were deer, turkey, ducks, geese, jack rabbits, butterflies and dragonflies, minnows, tadpoles, the whole works. It was an "easy" hike, as it's flat, and the only hard part was getting the stroller down to the river because of all the rocks.

We were lucky to have our friend and her young son join us. She had vast knowledge about all the plants and animals and even had Mini taste one of the plants!


The little LOVED the water, and of course the Mini LOVES the water. I told him only up to his knees, because apparently I'm a paranoid mom now, don't want him floating away down the river! The spot we were at was calm and small, but still...I'm not completely a "Yes" mom...not yet anyways.  

We ended the hike with lunch on a bench under a nice shade tree, which was lovely. I was surprised there weren't more people there since it was the first day of summer for most kiddos. 

Oh and we have super secret parking, and why is that? Because I'm WAY to cheap to pay for parking! (well and if you know me, you know that "squeak, squeak")  So we park on a side street and walk in...shout out to Grandma Darci for the secret parking spot!

If you're intersted, here's the link to the Nature Center: Effie Yeaw Nature Center - Sacramento

So, one summer adventure down, many, many more to go! 
Here's to a wonderful summer full of hikes, picnic lunches, library visits, water play, pools, and parks, friends, family,  love, hugs, patience, kindness, and adventure. 

Until next time...

Schooooolllls Out For Summer!

Welcome to Summer 2014 Mini!!!

My basically 4th grader and almost 10 year old "Mini" Wow! 
Wednesday was Mini's last day of school! His report card was really good and he's pretty much at grade level which is WONDERFUL! He brought home some art work and school work that he's done through the year, I'm still waiting to be able to read through all his stories he wrote.

I guess on his last day they had a raffle, and he won this mini water cooler! He was so stoked to try it out and I had to drink gross Gatorade because he REALLY wanted me to taste it :)
Winner Winner!!! 
 I asked him what he was most looking forward to this summer, he said hiking, and riding his bike. His mom texted me that night and said she had asked him what we (Mini and I) were going to do tomorrow on his first day of summer vacation. He said, "Well, it's Thursday, so Toni doesn't have daycare kids so we're going hiking...well I don't know if we are going hiking but we should!" Soooo we are going hiking tomorrow (which is actually today, we've already been hiking as I write this).

On Facebook, I posted this picture with the caption something to the effect of "Stuck with my other mom all summer) LOL but not really, he was just being goofy. I'd like to think if I asked him to pose for a picture of being "stuck" with me it won't look so terrifying! I'm pretty sure I'm still "ok."

So tomorrow (really today) brings a hike and time at the river. Looking forward to spending some down time with the Mini. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Feed That Baby! The Beginning of Little's Symbolic Play :D

The Little has started symbolic/pretend play! Let me shout in DELIGHT and EXCITEMENT!!! I noticed a few weeks ago she would make a car sound when pushing a car and thought, "Oh Cool!" then she started feeding her baby a bottle! EEEEeeeee cuteness! Here's a video (sloppy quick shot) of her feeding the baby. My hand in the video is me signing "milk." Her smacking her lips is the sound the baby makes while eating.

I am excited to embrace the toddler years! Whoo Hoo toddler on!