When Miss Little was born (two years ago), a few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from UC Davis about infant research studies. Being the nerdy Child Development major I am I was SO excited to take her! It takes us over 30 minutes just to drive there for their studies, and they only last about 5 minutes but I just think it's so neat and love doing it! She started at 4 months old and is still participating at 2, I think when she gets to be 3 she gets to do the hands on studies, rather than just the eye tracking ones. Currently she's in studies trying to understand language in infants.
Little Ry just turned 4 months so he's now eligible to participate...I totally put him on the list of participants even before the was born! :D Mini was curious what the camera set up was like, he was imagining a camera mounted on his head! So here's a picture, the thing on his head is an eye tracking device which links with a camera in front of him and the screen he watches. They gloss over the research but essentially he's tracking faces which show preference based on expression for this study. Until 12 months he'll be enrolled in research examining infant cognition.
Long story short, this nerdy SAHM loves to get just the very very small dose of something closely related to my field (you know, besides just developing my own children!), and this does the trick! Pretty sure this is the cutest research participant EVER!
This summer it has been pretty cool, until the last few weeks, and since then the kids and I have been hiding in the house after 10 am so we don't melt! Last month Little had a birthday and got some AWESOME blocks! I was so excited because she'll be able to use them for such a long time and I'm pretty certain they'll last until my husband and I have some grandkids --- a LONG LONG TIME FROM NOW!
Just a shout out, I do believe the blocks were purchased form Lakeshore Learning...best store ever!
The great thing about these blocks is not only can she use them but my 10 year old has been using them a lot too! He's been setting them up, almost like dominoes, and then knocking them down with Nerf bullets. He's also been using dominoes and doing it that way with them! You have to be creative when Momma puts a limit on Media viewing ;)
Anyway, her's a shot of Little and Mini building. Blocks - bringing together the 10 and 2 :)
Lastly, I have a bit of OCD about certain things, well here's one lol! Little insisted she "Help You" with the vacuum. Aghhhhh, is what my brain says, "Oh thank you" is what my Child Development side says. I left it like this until I used the vacuum again but ack lol. Those that know me totally get this (My Erika know's what I'm talking about)!