Monday, October 12, 2015

Fabulous Fairy Princess Birthday Gift

Little went to one of her very first official birthday parties this weekend, and to say she was excited is a complete understatement! She talked about it for 3 days, telling me all that she 'knows' about birthdays and on the day of declared she'd be wearing her birthday hat (from her first birthday) and wore it around the house for most of the morning! I think she was most excited about the cake, and boy did she devour it!

I on the other hand was super excited to put together my hippy birthday gift! So I asked the mom if it'd be ok and went to work. My theme - a fairy princess messy kit! I wrote up recipes and gathered materials and wallah, a Fabulous Fairy Princess Messy Kit!!!

Here are the two magic fairies and wand to create some gooey magic! 
The note says:

We are two fairy princesses excited to play.

We create potions and magic that will make your day!

So grab your ingredients, your wand, and of course us…

Let’s mix and squish us some magical stuff!!!

Next I wrote up recipes I found online (ack I DID NOT keep the web links for these recipes and therefore can't share them because I can't give credit...lesson learned for next time), I changed all their names to fairy theme. I laminated each of them for durability. 

Recipes Include:

Fairy Playdough -Stove Top Recipe
Fairy Playdough - Non-Cook Version
Pink Fairy Slime
Fairy Goop
Fairy Dust
Fairy Treasure Boxes
Fizzing Fairy Potion 

I gathered up the materials to create and boxed them up! I hope the little one that got these will have fun making cool fairy creations and of course getting messy! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Learning about Noah's Ark

As the Little's get older and as we go into home schooling I'm finding that it's important to me to start introducing the Bible to them. Since I'm not terribly familiar, I think it's going to be a great way for all of us to learn and to work on creating a relationship with God.

Since the Littles are so small, right now our learning will all be through play. I think Noah's Ark is a great place to start!

Here's my fancy shmancy laminating machine that I picked up last year on lightening deal at Amazon! It's fantastic and does and 8X10, I highly recommend. 

I just found animals on the internet, some that Little knew, others that she's not so familiar with, printed them out, laminated, cut, and whalah! 

So here is our sticky wall Noah's Ark. I cut out an Ark and covered it with contact paper. I left it up and let her explore.

Since I wrote this post she's asked to play "NoNo's boat" over and over. We also borrowed books from the library to extend her understanding of "NoNo (Noah)." : )

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fall and Halloween Activities - So Far

This was a dollar store find from LAST year, although I have seen them in store this year too.

She did this last year, when she was just newly one, and again is enjoying it as a two.

These are cupcake decorating sticks and Styrofoam. Super easy to set up, great for fine motor development.  These are pumpkins and ghosts. I DID see bats the other day, so I "may" have to go back and get some :)

This is fall table scatter, I scored this last season in clearance at Target, whoot whoot! I originally got it for the light table, but have so much that I thought a sensory bin would be fun.

Here's the invitation that I set up. There were scoopers and other containers available too.
Little took the invitation and decided to take it from scooping into imaginary play and began to feed her animals. 
 These animals needed to lay down so their faces could be in the food hehe.

Shaving Cream and Liquid Water Color Play

This afternoon we took out an old favorite of mine that I loved to present the kiddos when I was teaching - shaving cream and liquid watercolors.

We have a VERY old white table, which works perfectly for this activity. I placed the shaving cream on the table and "hid" the liquid watercolor inside. You "hide" the colors by placing cream on the table, squirting a color in the middle and then putting more cream on top to conceal it.

Here's Little Exploring
After a while she chose the colors and we squirted them onto the huge pile. The colors made such a pretty mixture!
She surprised me and put her hands in the mixture for a few seconds at a time and then washed them immediately. She likes sensory activities but doesn't LOVE to be messy :)
Here's the table mid process.